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Why does it say this video is only available to members with Passport even though I'm signed in?

If your Passport is activated properly, you will see a small blue and white "compass rose" icon by your initial in the upper right portion of the screen. 

If this icon does not appear next to your name and your Passport benefit is not being recognized, please check the below possibilities and suggestions.

In most cases, this problem occurs when you are signed in at using a different sign-in account (an email address associated with a Facebook, Google, or PBS Account) from what you originally activated Passport with. For the quickest resolution, we recommend trying to sign out and sign back in with any other accounts you may have with PBS.

You can also try entering your contact email address for your membership at the Passport Lookup page. This is the email address your station contacts you with and can use to look up your membership. For more information about the Passport Lookup Tool, please see our help page here.

Change the Account Linked to My Passport Benefit

If you've activated your Passport benefit but have multiple PBS accounts, only the PBS account linked to your Passport benefit will grant you access to Passport videos. If your access isn't recognized, you may be signed in with a different account.

If you have accidentally linked your Passport benefit to an old account, or you wish to instead link your Passport benefit to a different account, you can change the account linked to your benefit using our Passport Reset Tool.