Our offices will be closed on Monday, February 17.

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How do I delete my PBS account and personal information?

You may delete your PBS account and the personal information you provided to PBS via your account profile.

  • Sign into your account at PBS.org using the Sign In option at the top of the site. After signing in, hover over your name and select Profile. You can also sign into your profile directly at this link.
  • Under your Profile, select Privacy Settings

  • Select the Delete Your Account button. Deleting your account permanently removes all personal information and your account, making you unable to log into PBS without creating a new account. Deleting your account does not affect your Passport status nor will it cancel any recurring donations you have with your local PBS station. To cancel your donations, please contact your station.

  • After selecting the Delete Your Account button, a prompt displays, asking you to confirm that you would like to delete your account and all associated information. Select OK to continue with the deletion, or Cancel to return to your profile.