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Where can I find the transcript for a particular story or program?

Transcripts of our videos can be found by clicking the Transcript button beneath each video on our site PBS.org. Transcripts are only available via our site online and not via the PBS App.

If you are looking for the transcript for a video not on our site, or if a video does not include a transcript on our site, or for all other transcript requests, please see below. 

As the national membership organization of public television stations, PBS acquires program rights and distributes programs to its member stations. Due to the fact that PBS is not a production entity, we unfortunately are not able to help with transcript requests. You can visit the program website or contact the producers of the program you are interested to see if you may obtain a transcript. Contact information for most PBS shows can be found on the individual program web site (Programs A-Z) or the PBS Program Contacts page (Programs Contacts).