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How do I donate to my local station through my Amazon Fire TV app?

To donate to your local station through your Amazon Fire TV app, you must have:

After you've taken all the initial steps, follow the instructions below:

Figure 1

Figure 2

  • If you do not have Passport, you should select the Get {STATION CALLSIGN} Passport button (e.g. “Get WTTW Passport”) (Figure 3).

If your account is already Passport-enabled, the video screen displays a play button and you can watch the video instantly. 

Figure 3

  • Select a monthly or one-timedonation (Figure 4.1). 
    • Monthly presets are $5, $8, $12, one-time presets are $60, $90, $150, and custom donation amounts range from $5 monthly to $60 one-time minimum.
  • Click Learn More to find out more information about your station's Passport offer (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4

  • After selecting monthly or one-time, select your preferred donation amount (Figure 5.1) and select Continue (Figure 5.2).

Figure 5

  • A payment confirmation page displays. Select Confirm (Figure 6).

Figure 6

  • A native Amazon Pay screen displays. Enter your Amazon password to authorize the charge. 
  • Confirm the charge by entering your Amazon account password (Figure 7.1) and selecting Continue (Figure 7.2).

This screen is managed by Amazon, not the PBS app. If there is an issue, contact Amazon, not PBS.

Figure 7

  • After a successful donation, you are redirected to the PBS App Passport Activation screen. Click the Activate & Start Watching button (Figure 8). 
    • Two things happen when the button is selected:
      1. You are confirming your consent to sharing your streaming information with PBS, Member Stations and third-party providers, more commonly referred to as VPPA consent. 
      2. You are activating your Passport benefit. 

Amazon automatically sends you a transaction receipt, however, Amazon does not send you a tax receipt. Your station is responsible for sending a tax receipt to you, when applicable. 

Figure 8

  • After activation, you are taken back to the original video you wanted to watch and can now select the Play button to view the video and all PBS Passport video content (Figure 9).

 Figure 9