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Common Questions: Comcast Xfinity

What Comcast devices are currently supported?

Currently, the PBS app is supported on Comcast X1 boxes (for Comcast Cable subscribers), Comcast Flex Boxes, and Xfinity Xumo streaming boxes. 

Please note: only Xfinity Xumo devices are supported at this time. If you have a Xumo device that is a non-Comcast device, the PBS app will not be available.

Do I have to create a sign in account to activate the PBS app?

Yes, you will need to create a sign in account to activate the PBS app. You can create and sign in with a new PBS account, or sign in with a Facebook, Google, or Apple account, if you already have one. Click here for more information on how to create a PBS account.

Do I have to donate to activate the PBS app?

No, you do not need to donate to activate the PBS app. While some shows will only be available for PBS Passport members, other shows are available for all viewers. Learn more about Passport here.

Do I have to activate each Comcast device individually?

Yes, you will need to activate each Comcast device individually when you open the PBS app. For a step-by-step guide on activating the app, click here.

How do I activate the PBS app on my Comcast device?

When you first open the PBS app, you will be prompted with an "Activate Now" option that, when selected, will provide you with the necessary steps to complete the app's activation. 

Having trouble activating the app? Click here for a step-by-step guide.

How can I check to see if my Passport is activated on the PBS app?

You can check the account you are currently signed into on your Comcast device from the Settings option in the left-hand navigation menu. If the email address matches the email address you used when activating your Passport account, then Passport content should play. You should also see an Active Member Benefit box indicating that you are signed in with an active Passport benefit.

If the wrong email address is signed in, click here for instructions on changing the account you are signed in with on your Roku device.

If the email address is correct, but Passport content is not playing, check your Passport activation information to confirm you are signing in with the correct account.

How do I access Passport on my Comcast device?

There is no designated section in the PBS app for Passport content. Instead, look for the Passport icon on the top left of episodes and videos of your favorite shows and programs to know which are currently available through Passport.

Can I watch my local PBS station's livestream through the Comcast PBS app?

No, at this time livestreaming through the PBS app on Comcast devices is not available. We hope to add this feature in a future update.