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How can I use footage seen in a PBS show in my own production?

As the national membership organization of public television stations, PBS acquires show rights and distributes shows to its member stations. Since PBS is not a production entity, we are not able to assist with requests for footage.

You can check directly with the producers of the show you are interested in to see if you may obtain permission from them to use footage. Contact information for most PBS shows can be found on the individual show website or the PBS Program Contacts page located at All Shows A-Z or Program Contacts.

You may also wish to check, a virtual stock footage catalog with the latest information and clips from A.R.I.Q. Footage, ABCNEWS VideoSource, Archive Films/Archive Photos, Budget Films, CASCOM, CNN ImageSource, Fabulous Footage, Film Bank, Grinberg Film Libraries, Reuters Television, Streamline Film Archives, and much more. 

You may also be interested in stock footage available from our Boston member station, WGBH. For more information, please visit the WGBH Stock Sales website.