Our offices will be closed on Monday, January 20.

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What are the guidelines for submitting a show proposal to PBS?

Since PBS is not a production entity, we do not assist in the direct production of shows. We acquire previously completed shows or enter into production agreements with a variety of independent producers. Information for producers of independent films is available at Producing for PBS.

Proposals are evaluated on an ongoing basis. They are judged on the quality of the idea, the credentials of the production team, the needs of the schedule, and the financial request to PBS. As you might imagine, dollars are limited, so producers are encouraged to seek outside sources of funding.

Proposals for shows may be submitted to PBS Programming Services at any time throughout the year and should be addressed to:

            PBS Program Scheduling & Editorial Management

            2100 Crystal Drive

            Arlington, VA 22202

You may also wish to contact the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a private, non-profit corporation located at 401 9th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20004-2129 (Tel: 202/879-9600 or 800/272-2190 or website: http://www.cpb.org). CPB also funds radio and television shows produced by public television stations and independent producers. CPB has a more formalized structure for proposal submission, and we are sure that they would be happy to send you their guidelines.

Some of our member stations also produce television shows. Contact information for PBS member stations can be found by using the PBS Station Finder.